My migraines usually last 24–48 hours but that one vanished by mid-evening, when I woke up again. The purring and comfort made a good Lets Go Brandon Joe Biden Conservative Anti Liberal American Flag shirt hoodie, sweat shirt ! Even after my migraine was gone, Java was still cuddly and clingy. Ever since that day, I joke how Java’s my nurse cat. Usually she demands attention and cuddles every minute of every day (she’s on my arm as I type this out!). But whenever I have a migraine or seriously ill, she’s there to help. She’ll nudge water bottles closer to me from the night stand, like she’s encouraging me to drink (normally she’ll knock them off the table). I’m not “allowed” to leave bed unless I need the bathroom or food/water, lest I get a warning scratch. Her position is always at my chest or my head with very few breaks to care for herself.
This episode is actually atypical in its format, because it takes place at night. Rather than take the Lets Go Brandon Joe Biden Conservative Anti Liberal American Flag shirt hoodie, sweat shirt on a field trip, the Friz takes their parents on a very spooky one for a parent-teacher conference. Ralphie is convinced that Ms. Frizzle is a vampire becuase she wears a cape and is acting like one. Keesha informs them that it’s not blood, it’s tomato juice, which is bs because tomato juice looks nothing like blood. Ralphie keeps trying to prove that the Friz is a vampire and grows increasingly paranoid. Keesha keeps doubting him and insisting that there’s a logical explanation. Ralphie decides to use the bus to escape Ms. Frizzle, and turns it into a bat. The kids learn about echolocation by observing the bus’s antics as a bat. In desperation, Ralphie ends up accidentally turning the kids themselves into bats.
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Robocop was an original movie – derived from a admixture of Lets Go Brandon Joe Biden Conservative Anti Liberal American Flag shirt hoodie, sweat shirt with Greek mythology, Frankenstein; then fused with American ideals of regular home-lovin’ humans making a difference. Truly these regular guys, were the heros that made Hollywood so great, from the Westerns era to 80’s action films. But the movie’s use of epic techno suited and masked hero really started a ball rolling. The superhero, it seemed, was capable of more adult renderings and not just for geeky kids to pull from a comic book shelf. The floodgates creaked open and now Hollywood can’t get enough of them. The more epic, the more fantastical, the better as far as studio execs are concerned. Somewhere along the way the human got lost.
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